An Overview of Impact Christian Church Eldership

Impact Christian Church is an elder-led church that takes the role of eldership very seriously. Our elders guide and lead the overall direction of the church, shepherd the flock, and help in the teaching and discipleship of our church family.

Our eldership typically consists of four to five elders, although there is no set number required within our bylaws.


The process of how our elders are selected:

  • Candidates must be a member of Impact for a minimum of one year.
  • Candidates must meet the biblical requirements laid out in Titus 1:5-9, I Timothy 3:1-7, and I Peter 5:1-5.
  • Each year, the current elders go through a list of the men who meet the above requirements, who are already serving in the church, and who may have gone through one of our leadership classes.
  • Once a potential candidate is chosen by the elders, he is then approached to see if he would have an interest in the position.
  • After a potential candidate expresses interest, he fills out a 14-page application with a small section to be filled out by his spouse.
  • The current elders then review the application and meet with the candidate for a 2-4 hour interview.
  • Once approved by the elders, the candidate is brought before the congregation to be voted on and approved by a 75% vote.
  • Initial terms are for 1 year, and if re-elected the term is for 3 years.


Board of Elders


        Bob Sturgeon

        Jud Weece 

  Mac Owen     

Scott Park 

  Kent Gordon