
All Christians are members of Christ’s church. In the New Testament time period, it was unheard of for a Christian not to be connected to a local church body. Even though there is no scripture supporting the need to become a “member” of a specific church, we believe it is important to know who is committed to Impact and who we can count on.


When an individual, couple, or family commits to membership in the church, we can usually count on them to contribute their time, talents, and financial resource to help grow the church and do our Kingdom work here in Teller County and around the world.

Our requirements for membership are very simple:

1. A profession of faith in Jesus Christ and desire to turn away from sin.

2. The experience of baptism by immersion as a response of your faith. This can be done during a worship

    service or privately.

3. Believers who have professed their faith in Jesus Christ and have been baptized by immersion are

    welcome to join the church by coming forward at the “Next Steps” time at the end of a

    worship service.